In the era of information technology, the reduced role of publications makes an architect must know how to present its own creations to the public. Delivering ideas and making people visit new spaces through image is absolutely necessary. Architectural photography is an efficient way to achieve it. Documenting the long process of construction efficiently and publishing will impact and help architecture content to become more valuable in general.
On the other hand, a place for publishing the content is extremely important. Nowadays social media platforms are the most visited places in order to gather information. Instagram is a visual social media platform with the purpose to share the users' content. Features, algorithms and rules in its platform are always changing with the purpose to reach different audiences. It is very important to analyze all these categories to being able to publish content effectively.
This research aims to study these two related fields, architecture and photography, to find the equilibrium between them with the purpose of producing the best images possible with well-spread features on the Instagram platform. By doing this, we hope that the Architectural content will be well presented compared to the other type of content and hopefully that will make architecture much more valuable.
Keywords: Architecture, Architectural Photography, Instagram, Social Media.