Housing is important for human life. It is a place to live from birth to death, during different times of the day and different life phases. The wide variety of activity in a house make Flexible housing concept important. However, this concept has a lot of vocabulary and overlap that hinders the integration of the concept and hence invites negative receptions. Without a long-term perspective, it is seen only as an additional upfront cost that can be easily ignored by designers, resulting in inflexible housing to be built that can become a problem for the user in the future when their space needs change. On the other hand, there is the Incremental housing concept exclusive for lower income users, which also offers Flexibility to its dwellers, but instead of adding, it focuses on minimizing the upfront cost, and therefore get a positive reception as a solution for affordable housing crises. These two concepts are similar in some ways, but at the same time different. This research aims to study these two concepts and pair the two concepts to get the similarities and differences, taken from literature and case studies of multistory housing built in the 21st century. It is hoped that this research can be used to improve these two concepts in the future so that it can be better used by housing designers in creating homes and thus produce better flexible dwellings for the users to enjoyed and utilized for a longer time.
Keywords: Flexible, Flexibility, Incremental, Adaptable, Housing.