Urban flooding is one of the hottest topics in urban sites around the world. This thesis provides concise and comprehensive information regarding flood risks and current solutions in Ho Chi Minh City. It also examines concepts and approaches from selected case studies where there is the same problem: United States (Green Infrastructure), China (Sponge City) and Australia (Water Sensitive Urban Design). The analyzed findings highlight that stormwater management supported by nature-based solutions is the core of urban flood mitigation implementation process despite the differences in the theoretical concepts, and compared to ineffective hard-engineering solutions promoted by the local government, these international lessons can help Ho Chi Minh City to alleviate flooding and bring numerous benefits in order to achieve a sustainable development. This thesis might be helpful for government offices, architects, urban planners or engineers to seek solutions addressing urban flooding in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
Keywords: Green Infrastructures, Water sensitive urban design, Sponge cities, Sustainability design, Flooding, Ho Chi Minh City